
When I first read about this tradition years ago – on some mommy blog – where her family moved to Spain I thought she was kidding. I went to research it and lo and behold – this tradition really exists! It is so wacky that it would really be a shame if I didn’t mention it!

Just a simple illustration of Caga Tio (you can watch how it’s painted on my IG)

In Spain, in Catalonia – to be exact, there is a custom of taking care of a log that excretes presents in return at Christmas. I am not kidding! I told you it was wacky :D.

A little wooden log is brought in on the 8th of December – the day of the immaculate conception – which is also the beginning of the Christmas celebrations in Catalonia. First, they decorate the log with a hat (traditionally with a barretina or often a sock) and paint it the face, then they take good care of it every day until Christmas – they cover it with a blanket in the evening and they feed it with chestnuts, dried fruits, nuts and similar so it fattens up.

We had snow today so I thought I’d share it with you;)

It is called “Tio de Nadal” (meaning Christmas log) or by its nickname “Caga Tio” (which could be translated as “shit log”) and often has sprightly legs. At Christmas, they spank it while singing christmas songs so he poops presents, sweets and garlic, onion or a herring. The presents that appear underneath the blanket are usually sweets (like turron) and small toys. In the end, they throw it into the fire to keep themselves warm. Poor little log!

Tio de Nadal illustration

Nowadays, Tio is sometimes made as a pinata and in modern homes he is not lit on fire when there are no fireplaces. Did you know this tradition already? Would your kids enjoy decorating a log? We don’t need to be in Catalonia to have some fun, right?;)

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