Science festival

You’d think this has nothing to do with art. But you’d be wrong :D. Science and art are more closely connected then you might imagine (says a scientist-artist :D). When artists talk about their pigments thing quickly turn out pretty “sciency”;) When scientists compare their graphs it can be a real art form;).

Last years science festival in my little art journal
Last years science festival in my little art journal

But all joking aside – artists need to fill our wells of inspiration. And looking at more gorgeous art on Instagram is not always the answer. Visiting museums can be great but as Julia Cameron explained in her book “The artist’s way”, our inner child and artist wants to play above all! And that is not always socially acceptable which can be hard on some shy artists or adults that don’t consider themselves artists.

The real scientist that travel all the way from France every year to our small little country for this festival alone!
The real scientist that travel all the way from France every year to our small little country for this festival alone!

Except on science festivals. There grown ups are supposed to play :D. It is required. You can play to your heart’s content! It’s fun! It’s new! It’s interesting! It’s looking at life from another perspective (sometimes quite literally)!

Another page from the last years festival - this workshop was really fun!
Another page from the last years festival – this workshop was really fun!

And in the meanwhile you can learn something about colours, shadows, perspective, optical illusions… Which is always a bonus for an artist. I still haven’t convinced you?

And another one... It's funny how engrained the experience become into your brain once you draw them out!
And another one… It’s funny how engrained the experience become into your brain once you draw them out!

Well, it’s great to try new things to build new connections in the brains – and it’s great for kids! And they will be kept busy and will leave you alone (don’t tell me some alone time doesn’t fill a mama’s well;). And it’s fun to do together if you want (and don’t tell me positive social interactions don’t fill your well;). Plus, there’s a bonus of seeing people who are so into their stuff – the enthusiasm is contagious!

My little guitarist was immediately drawn to this experiment, of course!
My little guitarist was immediately drawn to this experiment, of course!

You see? Science festivals are a must for artists:) And kids. And moms. And dads (because they get to be a great dad and manly and touch technical stuff and (pretend to) be smart;)) It’s summer you might have something like that somewhere near! Our science festival was this weekend and we loooooved it – as always! it was raining, windy and cold but we still enjoyed it a lot!

How the clouds are made...
How the clouds are made…

I hope you join us next year for the 15th science fair here! And I hope it will be going strong for years to come so our future grandkids could enjoy it:).

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